Enneagram Type Seven: Sevens are vivacious ADVENTURERS motivated by a desire to be upbeat and on the go, to keep their options open, and to plan for new, exciting experiences. Sevens have fantastic imaginations and are constant seekers of excitement. They actually do everything you they can to prevent: boredom; painful emotions and anxiety; limitations, constraints and restrictions on their freedom; the drudgeries of life. Involuntary focus away from appeal: planning for pleasureful activities; enjoying and experiencing life to the fullest; any new, fascinating information; seeing the interconnection and interrelationship between diverse areas of information; being spontaneous and on the go; new, stimulating people and conversations; what I want to enjoy.
Enneagram Type Eight: Eights are assertive BOSSES (figuratively speaking) motivated by a desire to be powerful, self-reliant, strong, and to have control over their lives. Being respected for their strength is more important to them than being liked. They are natural leaders who want to make an impact on the world. They do everything they can to don’t let yourself be: weak, vulnerable, controlled, or dependent on others. Unconscious focus from focus: wielding power and taking charge; being in control of my space; correcting injustices; protecting the weak/innocent; action and assertiveness.
Enneagram Type Nine: Nines are easy-going PEACEMAKERS motivated by a desire to keep the peace, harmonize with others, and create a comfortable life. These nice people (who can have difficulty saying “no” and making decisions) can easily become distracted and then get off task on the important things they were trying to do. Although they rarely get angry and will accommodate others to avoid conflict, they can be stubborn at times. They like to merge with others and their environment, and they gain their sense of self through these connections. They do what you they are able to stop: confrontation, conflict and discomfort. Unconscious focus out of desire: all the things in the environment that beckon attention; keeping life comfortable, peaceful, harmonious, stable; being sensitive to others; doing the less essential, comfortable activities rather than the more important, disturbing ones.
Now that you have had a chance to see precisely what the Enneagram try, exactly what a few of its practical uses is actually, and exactly what each kind feels as though, it can be invaluable to know the program really works. You can find six areas of the new Enneagram program that can help you your finest recognize how it functions: (1) Your own Core Enneagram Form of, (2) Centers off Intelligence, (3) Wings, (4) Arrows, (5) Levels of Innovation and (6) Subtypes. Prior to I have with the the individuals, it would be helpful for their learning to mark the new Enneagram icon yourself.
Mark a group and put nine equidistant situations within perimeter, undertaking on tip top of your own network. Lay a beneficial “9” beyond your network from the tip-top point after which remain in order to count the other things 1 – 8 from inside the an effective clockwise guidelines which have step 1 following # 9. See analogy less than.