The choice of, and response to, each of these measures depends very much on the individual. The various psychological techniques have been formally tested and give the best long-term results. However, the outcome depends largely on the skill of the therapist, including his/her knowledge of benzodiazepines, and the rapport between therapist and client. Emerging research also suggests acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) could also have benefits during benzodiazepine withdrawal. This approach helps you learn to tolerate discomfort and distress, instead of avoiding it, and choose to live according to your values. Though therapy generally can’t address withdrawal symptoms specifically, it can help improve some symptoms, like anxiety and insomnia.
Such measures may give only temporary relief at first, but if practised regularly can speed the recovery of normal muscle tone – which will eventually occur spontaneously. One particular patient who was confined to a wheelchair with a spastic paralysis and who was also blind, was able to come off all his benzodiazepines with the help of a meditation technique. However, not everyone is able to devote the mental and physical concentration required for these techniques.
There is no data on how long benzodiazepines remain in bones, which have a lower abrupt withdrawal of benzodiazepines fat content but also a slower rate of cell turnover. A third factor may operate in people who have had frightening experiences during withdrawal. This is not uncommon in those who have undergone rapid withdrawal without adequate explanation, often in hospital or detoxification centres but sometimes at home when their doctor has withdrawn prescriptions. Such people may develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in which their experiences are constantly repeated as flashbacks or nightmares and so prolong the anxiety.
If you take away the blockades gradually, your brain can reduce its chemical traffic to match. But if you remove the drug all at once, your brain doesn’t have enough time to prepare, and you can develop life-threatening symptoms like seizures. Experiencing rebound symptoms means the symptoms you had before taking benzodiazepines come back even stronger than before. Benzo withdrawal can be a stressful process, but it is often necessary for people trying to get themselves off benzodiazepine drugs. Dependence appears to occur in a similar way to how it does with other addictive drugs.
The interesting thing about these memories is that they often start to occur at the same time that vivid dreams appear; these may be delayed until one or more weeks after the dosage tapering has started. Since recent sleep research indicates that certain stages of sleep (REMS and SWS) are important for memory functions, it is likely that the dreams and the memories are connected. In both cases the phenomena may herald the beginning of a return in normal memory functions and, although sometimes disturbing, can be welcomed as a sign of a step towards recovery. Drug withdrawal reactions in general tend to consist of a mirror image of the drugs’ initial effects.
None of these drugs should be used as alternative sleeping pills or sleeping draughts during benzodiazepine withdrawal. All can cause a similar type of dependence and some are more toxic than benzodiazepines. Once started on an antidepressant for depression, the treatment should amphetamine addiction treatment be continued for some months (usually about 6 months) to avoid recurrence of the depression.